The Ultimate SWAP Aggregator

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Swap Aggregator

Finds always the best price using liquidity of multiple pools.

SWAM Staking

Stake your SWAM tokens for 25% APR + your share of aggregation revenue.

SWAM Pooling

Provide liquidity in SWAM pools and earn 100% or more APR, guaranteed.


8-2020 SwapMatic v1 is deployed on Mumbai testnet and Matic Network
9-2020 SwapMatic is #7 in Matic Network's first Build-n-Earn Hackathon.
11-2020 Staking NFT Contract 'BOSS' is developed. SwapMatic & BOSS is #1 in Matic Network's & Metacartel's hackathon.
12-2020 SwapMatic introduces a liquidity farming approach that does not require depositing LP tokens.
1-2021 SWAM PoS token is deployed in Ethereum Mainnet and mapped to Matic.
2-2021 SWAM farming and staking starts in collaboration with blocktimeworld.com. Liquidity and adoption grows.
3-2021 Swapman appears the first time.
6-2021 SwapMatic aggregator launched in Polygon, BSC, and Mainnet. Universal token lists are introduced.


The Secret Sauce:

0x Protocol

0x protocol connects liquidity from multiple DeFi systems and protocols for the best user experience.

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